My relationship with dance started in childhood. Around the age of 5 I discovered that I enjoy dancing, and from that moment I continued to develop in this direction. I am a creative, ambitious person, and dancing has helped me realize that I am able to offer a lot of love, both to myself and to those around me. Stay with me to discover how I discovered my passion and the impact that dancing had on my life.
I didn\’t know at first that dancing was my passion
The first time I discovered that I enjoyed dancing, I didn\’t know that I would end up performing in this field. When I was little I used to dance with pleasure, without knowing it would be my passion. I looked with great admiration at the Romanian ballerinas and later I realized that I want to follow a similar path. I wanted to be able to reach the performance of creating my own language of communication through dance. Although I did not discover my passion when I first started dancing, I continued to do what I enjoyed, and later the choices in this field became clearer and clearer. When an action you take brings you peace of mind and charges you with positive energy, the Universe facilitates your decision making and guides you in the choices you are about to make.
TMoves and the breakthrough moment in my career
The most important moment in my career was when I changed my perception of dance. I knew I wanted to offer programs that would help people who want to discover themselves, overcome anxiety or depression, and want to explore the connection between body-mind-emotions-soul-spirit. In order to be able to build programs that anyone can take and learn how to take a journey inside the self, I focused primarily on my own development. I’ve worked with myself to change my perception, analyze my moods and discover the most beneficial way for me to express my feelings.
Dance is an artistic form of expression and with its help we can interpret a situation we would like to live, but at the same time we can also express the stories we have lived, but we do not know how to share with others in words. My trip meant leaving the comfort zone in 2019, when I decided to make the transition from a stable job to setting up TMoves. I was in a full process of transformation when I realized what healing power dance has and how it can change people\’s lives. The fluidity of the movements, the breathing, the free/creative dance and the authentic movement challenge you to introspect and help you to overcome emotional blockages.
Dance therapy for children and adults
Working with children, I realize how lucky I am to be able to enter a child\’s emotional universe. TMoves wants to develop the 10 life skills and to promote mental and emotional health among children. We are setting educational objectives and methods of intervention, and creative dance and dance therapy are just two of the tools used. At TMoves we pay attention to the child\’s motor development, and, depending on the quality of a child\’s movements, we discover the connections with the psyche and the emotions, as well as how to behave in certain situations and how to influence social relationships. Children feel a wide range of emotions and feelings, but sometimes they do not have the verbal ability to express them. We want to help them discover a way to communicate with those around them, without being constrained by the exclusive use of verbal language.
Adults, on the other hand, have developed different defense and survival mechanisms to be able to live more easily with the choices they have made. I like to give people a tool for self-knowledge and guide them to parts of their inner self that they were not aware of. The therapist is the binder that facilitates the discovery of self-confidence in adults. We support them into listening to their intuition and looking for answers within them. We go with them through the defense and survival mechanisms in order to be able to reach the essence.
Future plans
The motto of TMoves is Transform yourself through movement and I am convinced that TMoves will be in a continuous transformation. I believe that every business bears the imprint and energy of its founder, and continuous development is the essence that guides me. I pay attention to the messages that the Universe is trying to convey and I want to have the necessary capacity to give to those around me what they need.
In addition to the experiences of self-knowledge and development, I would like to help form new public policies in the field of dance and art. The continuity of TMoves services is on my list of priorities and I want to continue to build programs for personal development and to promote mental, emotional and soul health through dance therapy, creative dance and meditation.
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