
If we were to think about the most important values ​​we would like to pass on to our children, they are love, trust, gratitude, responsibility, authenticity, empathy, respect, and kindness.

We chose to talk about kindness with Valentina Secara, the founder of Acorns and First 7 – Center for early education, a person from whom we all have something to learn from and with whom we collaborated.

How do we teach our children to be kind using creative dance…

Basic values ​​to be passed on to children

Cultivating a healthy set of values ​​is an investment of parents and educators, of all those involved in raising, developing and educating children in order to support this process of consolidating a values-based existence.

“When I met Sorina and found out about TMoves’ program, I liked the coherence of this program, the fact that she has a vision and concrete actions that support this vision; I liked the fact that it is inspired and supported by passion for children and has in the center of its activity exactly this passion. It is also continuously evaluated, built in a professional way, and changes and optimizes its actions according to the impact it has on the participants. I can say that it is one of the few programs that is not led by flair or disposition, but is structured, with clear objectives and appropriate actions\”, says Valentina Secara, founder of Acorns and First 7 – Center for early education.

“The program is based on a lot of passion, has expertise, has a passion for working with children and wants excellence! For me, these are perfect ingredients of a program that I recommend for children \”

How we prepare children for a society in which the only constant is change

It is important to give children roots, clear landmarks to return to whenever needed, and we can do this by cultivating values. On the other hand, the care and love offered are important, as they create the attachment and emotional drive to build, to discover, and to grow. Last but not least, flexibility and adaptability are necessary skills in these times, and they are also developed in childhood. It is important to teach children that everything is possible, that there is no \”can\’t\”, that we always have a solution and it depends only on us, on the things we believe in, on the passion we put into our efforts and on the flexibility that we have to find the optimal solution to the moment.

How we promote kindness in the child\’s education

\”I could mention practices that we have in kindergarten, without saying that they are the most recommended or not, but they certainly yielded results\”, Valentina tells us. “Here I could mention the following practices: offering hugs (even if they can no longer be offered in physical format, they can be remote, they can be hugs offered to trees, toys or ourselves); to wait your turn in a discussion (in many cases this is a challenge in early education, but it is the most beautiful and beneficial proof of kindness and growth), to gather / collect shells, pebbles, lego, etc. for every good word or compliment we address to someone, to exchange a toy for a small number of minutes or for a day and tell the \”journey\” of that toy home to you; make a collage with images that your friend likes; to offer a certain number of smiles, to offer help to someone in something that does not do very well etc.”

How willing are parents to approach a new educational model in children\’s development

Parents are much more open to finding optimal resources to contribute to their children\’s development. Because they are much better informed than they were 5 years ago, for example, they can make much better choices in activities that benefit their children. In addition, when parents are advised to pay attention to the objectives of the course, the ways of measuring the impact and the emotion that children have during the extracurricular activity, we are talking about a much more calculated choice. “Regarding dance as a therapeutic and developmental tool, we needed to educate parents in making the transition from a perception of a pleasant act, without educational objectives, to a concept, a coherent tool, with a plan behind it, which is proposed to children. The expertise of those who proposed the course mattered, as well as its organized presentation and evaluation methods,\” Valentina tells us.

How the pandemic impacts the values ​​that children will adopt in the future

The pandemic has helped us all to connect more with ourselves, to reevaluate our emotions and feelings, and their impact on life in general. Dance is part of the category of instruments that help us to relax and to balance, but also to challenge ourselves to exceed our limits of expression, to facilitate, in connecting with ourselves, this expression and contact with ourselves and with those around us. Dance has enormous potential to be used both in groups and individually, for therapeutic purposes, in this case in reducing anxiety, and in knowing one\’s own person, what is comfortable and what is not, in connecting with others, even virtually, if not physically.

We are grateful to Valentina Secară for the passion with which you develop early education programs, and the time allocated to sharing your expertise with both educators in the country and parents.

If you also want our programs to reach the kindergartens/schools where your children go, you can write to us at contact@tmoves.com.

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