Managing emotions through dance-therapy and creative dance

Dance has the ability to convey emotions beyond linguistic, cultural or racial barriers and contributes to the spread of the feeling of acceptance. Through dance, people can express emotions or inner states that are difficult to express in words. Have you ever wondered why certain movements arouse familiar feelings in you? Dance movements have the […]

How we teach children to be good through dance and creativity

If we were to think about the most important values ​​we would like to pass on to our children, they are love, trust, gratitude, responsibility, authenticity, empathy, respect, and kindness. We chose to talk about kindness with Valentina Secara, the founder of Acorns and First 7 – Center for early education, a person from whom […]

Dramatherapy. The influence of theater in dance and on your emotional health

Connection, vibration, joy… these are the most important words about dance that come to mind to Mihaela, Clinical Psychologist and psychotherapist through play and dramatherapy at TMoves. Dancing is a form of healing for emotional wounds, and Mihaela told us why we should consider dance as a form of therapy. \”The body and movement are […]

How do you express your creativity through dance?

Dancing is a way to feel free. Through dance, people can express their emotions when they go through hard or happy moments. I talked to Laura Andrei,  choreographer at TMoves, about what it means to know your own body through dance and what emotional benefits this can bring you. Creativity through dance At TMoves we […]

Creativity on the move

Each person is born with a minimal dose of creativity, and the way he chooses to develop can influence the role that creativity will play later in his life. One thing is for sure: creativity is present at every stage of life, even if sometimes people are not aware of the skills they have. Sometimes […]

Creative Dance and The Road to Your Emotions: an Interview with the Founder of TMoves

We know that dance releases endorphins in the brain, and that these cause us to be happy. However, there are even more in-depth studies that analyze the association between certain movements and emotions, depending on the movement analysis system used. You can read in this article published in 2019 on Frontiers in Psychology about the […]

The impact of perfectionism beyond the stage

Movement, freedom, rhythm, accuracy, show. Dancing for spectators is delight and relaxation. But do we know how much work is behind a dance performance? Rehearsal hours, hard work, stress and effort to make every move impeccable are not included in the invitation to the show. Studies in recent years show that perfectionism in dancers is […]

Dance Therapy – the answer to dancers\’ perfectionism

America in the 1940s introduced dance as a form of therapy for children and adults, and the results have had numerous social, psychological, and physiological benefits. We might be tempted to conclude that professional dancers effectively have continuous therapy and are \”the most zen\”. A 2003 study made by two university professors in England shows […]

How we integrate movement into learning

If we think of a song that we learned when we were little using gestures, like \”Bate vântul frunzele\” (Romanian song) for example, it would probably be impossible for us to reproduce it without mimicking those gestures. This is an example of how learning though movement leads to better retention of information in the long […]

The meaning of social-emotional development through dance and its impact upon learning

The early-age development of social-emotional abilities represents an essential part of a child’s development. The capacity to easily express his/her emotions in front of others shows mental maturity, and learning this through movement and dance offers a secure path of freedom for toddlers. Artistic and athletic activities bring together children from a variety of backgrounds, […]